Just When I Think I'm Out...

Cracked open my "What If?" book for the first time in... oh, months and months. I've reached a bit of a wall with Galerians, and either I can start coagulating my ideas or try and make more of them. I chose the latter because I'm uncomfortable with some gaps in the plot and loose characters with no flesh or not enough motivation. I was trying to get through the book in order, and unfortunately, the chapter I'm in right now is "Revising and Rewriting". This is a problem because most of that applies to Blood 2. Man, it seems the more I try to forget about that story, the more they keep trying to pull me back into it. I'm trying to let it incubate right now. I managed to avoid looking at it directly by creating a separate file just for stuff to include in the next revision, not with the actual text. But I've got five or seven exercises to go through before I break through to anything useful for Galerians. Damn my compulsion to do things completely and in order!

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