It Wasn't Me

Well, I've done something I said I would never do again. I was bored, and really, idle hands are the devil's playthings. It's not my fault, it's that I was waiting on everyone. I needed something to do. I was afraid I was going to lose my skill. I didn't want to get fat and lazy.

I started a fan fiction.

I'm not proud of it, but I finished Alien Boxing Story, and it needs to incubate. Now all my stories are waiting on critiques, being submitted, or (in the case of Mermaid Story) are waiting for extenuating circumstances (i.e., waiting for Black Hole Son to be complete). So where does that leave me? Well, Gun vs. Sword I've got plenty written on, but the story is still coming to me. It's hard to describe what's happening here, but it's a unique composing process that I've never tried and is coming quite naturally. I don't want to ruin it by interrupting it by starting to compose me.

And no ideas for other stories, so now what? Well, I figured I'd write something fun, something that lifts the pressure off getting published. I'm not spending a great deal of time with pre-writing (I already had a clump of ideas written down, and basic story structure), so I'm diving right into composing.

It's actually kind of fun. The writing comes fast and furious, the plot is developing naturally. It helps a great deal when you have the world already made for you. The only thing I'm worried about is that the tension is not high. It's a character development story. You're not going to find Shadow Creepers or Sephiroth here. So what are they doing? They're playing baseball.

A fan fiction with Final Fantasy VII characters playing baseball.

I just got to keep telling myself, "It's just an exercise."

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