If Quake Was Done Today

I do loves me some Quake. Quake was the first game with true 3-D, instead of 2.5-D environments combined with sprites. Quake had a great atmosphere, great music, and great gameplay. You can tell I liked it by the sidebar -- one of my first fan fictions was for Quake. It even won a fan fiction award, so I some of my writing talent to Quake.

Plus there's this little ditty I saw:

4koma comic strip - War/FPS Games
see more Comixed

Yeah, they don't make 'em anymore. Nowadays, you got sponsorships, achievements, AI, customizability, online compatibility, integration with proprietary networks, co-op play. It used to be about the games, man. Which is why the above tickles me. There is so much hand-holding and hint-giving that you're not even playing the game at all, just following instructions. There's no skill learning like rocket jumping or shoot-strafing. There's no exploration or secret-finding.

True, there's more stories and acting, but it's like a D&D campaign run by a robot. In order to show you these scenes, you have to be on a train. Spoony just talked about this, and there are plenty of YouTube videos showcasing the ridiculous hand-holding of today's video games. For example, a sniper rifle shot to a guy's leg kills him. Or it arbitrarily forces you to stand by a door while some inane piece of dialogue plays out. This is a game, not a movie. And then if you do manage to die, you have to listen to the whole unskippable dialogue over again.

But enough about that. Just watch the video, and remember by-gone days.

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