Monday, November 18, 2013

When Is a Blow Job Not a Blow Job?

My wife was in the car with some girls, going out to the bars.  In the middle of the trip, they said they weren't going to drive her home because they'd be too drunk to drive.  And the driver wouldn't drive her back to her car (despite being only four minutes away from it).  She begrudgingly told them she needed to take a sober cab home.  One of the girls said (jokingly I assume) that if you give the cabbie a blow job, you ride for free.

These girls were about ten years older than my wife, so I'm trying to determine if they are symptoms of an earlier generation.  Of those party girls-turned-cougars.  Taking advantage of their sex, controlling it, being liberated, instead of oppressed like their mothers assumably were.

Or is it society telling them that this is acceptable behavior.  The Snooki's and sex tapes saying 'just give the boys sex, they'll do anything you want'.

I'm having trouble resolving that statement: "if you give the cabbie a blow job, you can ride for free".  Is that empowering to women, or exploitive?  Is this the stripper and porn star using their assets to make money and exploit men, or are they being exploited, treated as sex robots and objects.

On one hand, using your natural abilities to get what you want, that seems to be empowering.  If you have breasts and a mouth, you have something that 50% of the population doesn't.  And that 50% of the population tends to have the faculty, the control in the world.  Like they say in My Big Fat Greek Wedding "the husband is the head in the family, but the wife is the neck".  Women can do that while other men can't.  A man tries to offer the cabbie a blow job, he'll get punched (assumably, unless he's really lucky).

OR is the woman simply selling out, taking advantage of the tendency of men to exploit women?  She's taking an intimate act and making it cheap. Prostituting herself for favors.  Is that the mindset of these women?  That's it's okay to use sex to get what you want?  That's okay to act like an object if it's gets you the upper hand?

Well, I'll tell you this.  I would not want my daughters to make a joke like that and think that it's funny.  It's misogynistic to thing that way.  It may gain something in the short term, but in the long term, how does it affect your mental state?  Your self-esteem?  Is this all you are?  A mouth?

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