Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Things I Like: Lindsey Stirling a.k.a. LindseyStomp

Just watch the video.

You watched it? Good. Now, hopefully, you know why I'm writing about this girl.

Her name is Lindsey Stirling. She came to notoriety in my circle of life when she did a medley of Legend of Zelda songs. She's a violinist (obviously), she's a composer, she's a dancer, and at 23, she was a finalist in "America's Got Talent". I really don't know how to describe why she's so compelling.

It's not her dancing, although I could wax poetic on that. She follows no steps, no pattern (although I'm sure she practices rigorously). In one shot, she's doing a Muhammad Ali shuffle. In another, she's standing on a rock drawing the bow. In another, she's doing her signature "lean-back-all-the-way" move.

It's not her playing. I enjoy classical music, but mostly as background noise. Mostly I like genre-crossing styles, and Lindsey certainly does that. Not just her for covers like "Take Three" and "Party Rock Anthem" where she combines pop and classical. It's her originals too, combining techno backbeats with a snappy violin riff. Her expressions range from impish charm to rakish glee to the curious wonder of a three-year-old.

It's not her bubbly personality, her clever fashion design, her entrepreneurship, her youth, her beauty, her talent, or her neat hairdos. It's just... when she plays...

She just seems so happy.

Every video she's got a huge smile on her face, like she can't help not smiling. And you can't help smiling either, because there's so much of it, it bleeds through even the distant wires that carry it to you. Even when she's trying to be serious, you can see a smile breaking through.

I don't think I could ever reach the level of delight she seems to have when she's performing. I wish I could reach 1/8th that level of passion she displays when I'm doing... anything.

Also, I just want to touch her hair to see if it's real.

Lindsey's YouTube Channel
Lindsey's Home Page

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